The Revive Home

Revive Home Logo

Revive Home Mission: 

A home to Engage, Revive and Ignite lives through Christ-centered living to become Christ- centered men.

The Revive Home is a faith-based property nestled within 32 beautiful acres of rolling and wooded scenery. The Revive Home takes people out into a beautiful rural setting and provides a housing program of discipleship that strengthens and grows lives into a renewed and empowered walk with God.  It brings revival into a life by promoting spiritual and character formation. It will teach and provide them with life-skills and give them opportunities to lead and serve.  Our ultimate goal is to send these people out equipped to launch into leadership in their home, their church, at their workplace and in their sphere of influence.

We exist to help establish a Christ-Centered Community to nurture people in any situation in life

Five components of Revive Home Discipleship

  • Mentors

  • Teaching

  • Bible Study

  • Events

  • Service

Program fees 
Program fees for the Revive Home are $700 per person, per month. (Actual cost is based on what they can afford)

We are taking applications for Program Participants. Please pass the word along to those God may bring to mind.

We are searching for Ministry Partners.

We feel strongly that God has raised up many who are ready to walk with us in this Kingdom work of building up these men.  What a great time to step in and become part of the Revive Team!

Please prayerfully consider helping us with this ministry in the following areas:

  • We are asking for your financial support. To keep the costs low for these men we need your financial support. We need some sponsors to help with the funding for things needed around the house as well such as updates the to the home and annual maintenance that is needed.

  • We are asking for your prayer support. Prayer is powerful and needed in this battle!  Paul needed prayer for his missions (2 Cor 1:11). We do our best not to take a step without the presence and wisdom of Jesus.

  • We are asking for your time. Do you feel the call to help mentor one of these men? We are looking for Godly leaders to mentor, teach, encourage or simply spend time with these men. Do you have the desire to do yard work or small construction projects around the house? We could use your help.

Two ways you can invest in the Revive House

  1. Donate towards the overall needs of the Revive Home including additional room and 2nd kitchen, build-out, overhead costs, sponsor one of the men, Bibles, Christian books, supplies and others!

  2. Help provide for these people living in the Revive Home. We will not turn those away who can't afford it and we will help them find strong employment!

Thank you for your support!  

Revive Home Team

“The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners”
Isaiah 61:1