
First and Third Thursdays — Men of the Outpost

“When a man’s heart is right with God the mysterious utterances of the Bible are spirit and life to him. Spiritual truth is discernible only to a pure heart, not to a keen intellect. It is not a question of the profundity  of intellect, but of purity of heart."  Oswald Chambers.

What would it look like to glorify God and become fully alive?  Life feels random, challenging and busy.  Often we question where God is in the midst of it all.  How we view God and how he views us are are of utmost importance in these days.  On the first and third Thursdays each month we will navigate through these questions together with key verses of the bible, a book study, men's fellowship, prayer, and worship.  Together this will take us deeper into our walk with God!  

The Outpost is a place where all are welcome and the Spirit of the Lord is magnified!  Our calling is to Engage, Revive and Ignite the body of Christ for His glory and His Kingdom.

Waking the Dead Study Guide

Waking the Dead Study Guide

A Just look at what happens when people are touched by Jesus—the blind see, the lame walk, the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life. In other words, to be touched by God is to be restored. To become all God meant for you to be. That is what Christianity is supposed to do for you—make you whole, set you free, bring you fully alive. Waking the Dead will help you find that life, see the fierce battle over your heart, and embrace all that God has for you. This revised and updated edition includes a new introduction, a "Selah" section for reflection in every chapter, and suggestions for praying your way through the book. 

Join us and other men on this journey of the heart. God is at work banding His men together, come and be a part of His teaching. 

  • First and Third Thursdays of each month
  • 7:00pm  9:00pm
  • This is a Mens Event 
  • This is a Free Event
  • Public is Welcome!

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BSF at the Outpost

People of the Promised Land, Part I

From Joshua to Solomon, God's united people entered and flourished in the promised land.

Beginning with Israel's entrance into Canaan under the leadership of Joshua, People of the Promised Land I and II chart the ups and downs of the nation of Israel. People of the Promised Land I covers the united kingdom of Israel, from Joshua to Solomon. 


Joshua: In the days after Moses, a new leader would guide God's people faithfully and courageously into the land the Lord had promised.

Ruth: During the days of Judges, the people repeatedly turned their hearts away from the Lord. Yet amid the darkness, stories of grace, such as Ruth's, resonate and foreshadow God's great offer of mercy to the Gentiles.

The Last Judge and First King: Samuel was the last of Israel's judges and God's answer to a childless woman's prayer. Amid the people's rebellion, God called on Samuel to anoint Saul as Israel's first king.

David: A great warrior as well as a beautiful poet, David became Israel's anointed champion. More important, he would be the integral ancestor to the divine King to come, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Solomon: With God's gift of wisdom, David's son ruled a peaceful, prosperous nation. He had the great privilege of building the temple in Jerusalem. But Solomon's wayward ways later in life would set the stage for the nation's division to come. The subsequent divided kingdom will be covered in People of the Promised Land II.

People of the Promised Land, Part I Themes

By God's design, Israel marched to conquer Canaan with no allies in battle. The Lord alone would give His people success.

Whether conquering a new land or leading a diverse nation, God anoints leaders to guide His people in His will. The likes of Joshua and David show that great leadership requires faithfulness, prayer, courage and humility.

God calls His people to be distinct from the ways and means of the world. God would show His people His desire for holiness for their good and His glory.

Sin is infectious, and God's people are not immune to rebellion as they turn to their own ways. Yet God remains faithful to His own. And through mercy and admonishment, He shepherds His people into a deeper relationship with Him.

"Your house and your kingdom will endure forever before me; your throne will be established forever."

Everyone Is Welcome!

Our format consists of:
• A 12-week study of The Life of Solomon
* Starting June 4th, ending August 20th
• For men 18-108 who are hungry to better learn God's truth and to know Him more intimately
• Weekly homework assignments, enabling spiritual growth
• Discussions that are meant to be conversational in hopes of building God-focused relationships among men

The Outpost CenteSeptember 11 2019
6:45-8:30 PM on Tuesday nights
6053 Hwy 212 E
Chaska, MN 55318

Hours of operation:

The Church and Ministry Center will be open 7 days a week.  Though we have no office hours at this time, it is anticipated that future office hours will likely be 8 AM to 6 PM and our staff will arrive earlier and leave later as necessary.

We will have meetings, services and events before and after our general hours. If enjoying outdoor music, amplification will cease no later than 8pm.


We currently have no staff, only volunteers.  As we grow, we intend to add staff as needed.

Contact Us

For more information or to schedule a site visit contact us via email: