About the Church and Ministry Center

The Outpost Center will be used to share the Love of Christ with unbelievers, new believers, and those who have walked with the Lord for days or decades.  We will serve the needs of the public, locally and globally, in creative and compelling ways that draw them into and enhance authentic and vibrant personal relationships with Jesus.  We will be a refuge to those in need, providing healing and restoration, as well as a place of education and training for those who love and serve the Lord and even those who haven’t met Him yet!
As a Church and Ministry Center, we will invite the public to use our facilities for weddings, intercessory prayer, celebrations, receptions, funerals, food distribution, gatherings, teaching, training, equipping and other ministry related activities.
At The Outpost, we believe that our Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God: He was crucified, resurrected, and sits at the right hand of the Father. The blood of Jesus Christ shed for us washes away our sins and allows us through its atoning power back into the presence of God. He is the way, the truth and the life and there is no other way appointed for man to enter into heaven. The Word of God is eternal, and everything we need for Godly living is found in the Word of God.
We are a non-denominational Christian Ministry.  Our mission is to be a place where the Spirit of the Lord anoints all who enter to truthfully proclaim and share restoration and freedom in Christ!  Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we will feed, teach, train, equip and disciple as God leads. 
(Luke 4:18, Isaiah 61:1-3)  
We envision that the Outpost will be a place where all people experience a foretaste of heaven on earth!  That our love for God and others will be so palpable that everyone who experiences it will be drawn into their own personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ! 
(Matthew 6:10, 5:16, 1Peter 2:12)

Hours of operation:

The Church and Ministry Center will be open 7 days a week.  Though we have no office hours at this time, it is anticipated that future office hours will likely be 8 AM to 6 PM and our staff will arrive earlier and leave later as necessary.

We will have meetings, services and events before and after our general hours. If enjoying outdoor music, amplification will cease no later than 8pm.


We currently have no staff, only volunteers.  As we grow, we intend to add staff as needed.

Contact Us

For more information or to schedule a site visit contact us via email: